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X1 Emv software, free download Windows 10
X1 4.1 Emv Software
EMV Chip Reader/writer software is a powerful EMV Smart Card Reader/Writer Software. Compatibility with MCR 200 / ACR 38 /ACR 92. EMV Reader/Writer Software Is able To Read/Write EMV Protocols such as 201,206,226 and Much more. The software include the Instruction manual the License key and Setup. Developed for WIN10 /WIN8 /WIN7/VISTA/XP
Java Cards ($7)-($10)each
You will need Java credit cards, the software is compatible with any Java JACOP card:- NXP J2A080, NXP JCOP21, NXP J2A040, NXP J3A040, JCOP J2A128 by NXP, JCOP41 V2.2.1 72K
Blank White Java Cards($7)each
Blank Colored Random Bank Java Cards($10)each
Software($900)comes with 10 free java cards
Free Discreet Shipping
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